Here's an updated list of sites that have linked me up:
bushfinger [NEW]
MarksMINI.com [NEW]
MotoringFun.com [NEW]
paulr.us [NEW]
taylorsmith.biz [NEW]
MINI links [GoMotoring.com]
If you linked me on your blog/site, or know of a good one and would like it to be added to my list, just click be added and send me the link.
[UPDATE] With the recent redesign of GoMotoring.com, Mark was kind enough to add dcmini to the front page of live RSS feeds instead of the links page which no longer exists. Thanks Mark! and site looks great!
And now you're list on GoMotoring too :)
What a pleasant surprise when I scrolled down the GoMotoring page for my MINI updates. Looks like I'll have to proof read my posts more. ha ha.
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