I was one of the many who attended the Chicago portions of this year's MINI takes the States. They really had their act together and it showed. From the BBQ in the park to the goodie bags to the Ridemakerz event, it was a pleasure to be there. I did not go to the Elkhart Lake portion but the rest of the party was a ton of fun. I wish I could have gone up to Wisconsin with the caravan and enjoy the concert but doing the local stuff was more than worth the $20 price.
On Friday, I headed down to the UIC/Maxwell Street for the owners meet and greet event. We were greeted by a number of people directing MINI traffic into the complimentary parking garage with big checkered flags. We then walked into the picnic grounds to meet up with other MINI owners, have some tasty eats and watch a movie outdoors. The movie didn't go so great since the park was semi lit and the projector was not that bright but it did make due for some. The MTTS event then continued without me on Saturday in Wisconsin.
On Sunday, the group headed back to Chicago for a meet up at Ridmakerz where we received a complimentary toy MINI courtesy of MINIUSA. These things are cool looking. We ended up getting the RC version which is neat but certainly not worth the regular price INHO. I don't think I would have paid full price for these on my own but they are still pretty cool to took at.
Check out the CMMC site for some great photos. I unfortunately didn't get to take many photos because of all the excitement but here is a link to mine as well. I hope this does become a regular event. Although if I could spare a couple weeks off of work, I think I would have really enjoyed the cross country drive like they did a couple years back.